History Of Gold

Who Made Gold Known

The human race first discovered gold thousands of years ago when a young child discovered a shiny rock in a creek. Found the first gold as bright, yellow nuggets. As the saying goes, “Gold is where you find it,” and gold was initially found in its natural state, in streams worldwide. Certainly, it was the first metal that early hominids were aware of.

Each human culture adopted gold. It was enjoyable to work with and play with due to its brilliance, lustre, and natural beauty, as well as its great malleability and resistance to tarnishing.

From Where Does Gold Originate

It was discovered by numerous groups in numerous locations, because gold is widely distributed throughout the geologic world. Nearly everyone who discovered it was impressed with it, as was their rapidly developing culture. The first metal that was widely used by our species was gold. When we consider the historical progress of technology, gold came first.

The easiest metal to work with is gold. In contrast to the majority of other metals, typically found in ore bodies that are difficult to smelt, it occurs in a nearly pure and usable state. Gold’s early uses were undoubtedly ornamental, and in early civilizations, deities and royalty were associated with it due to its brilliance and permanence (it neither corrodes nor tarnishes) (it neither corrodes nor tarnishes) (it neither corrodes nor tarnishes).

Gold has always been a strong material. Although we no longer know the details of the earliest human interactions with gold, many cultures worldwide have long associated it with the gods, immortality, and wealth. Early societies associated gold with gods and kings, and gold was sought after in their honour and used to glorify them. Humans almost instinctively place a high value on gold, associating it with the cultural elite, power, and beauty. And because gold is widely distributed throughout the world, we can find this same way of thinking about gold in ancient and contemporary civilizations.

Power, beauty, and gold have always been synonymous. In the past, gold was used to make jewelry, shrines, idols (such as “the Golden Calf”), plates, cups, vases, and vessels of all kinds.

Discovered a gold gravy boat weighing a full troy pound in the “Gold of Troy” treasure hoard, which was discovered in Turkey and dates to the period between 2450 and 2600 B.C. Gold was highly prized at the time but had not yet supplanted money. Instead, it was possessed by the wealthy and well-connected, used to adorn sacred sites, or transformed into objects of worship.

The Phoenicians, Egyptians, Indians, Hittites, Chinese, and others went searching for gold and sent enslaved people, prisoners of war, and criminals to work the mines. And this happened during a time when gold had no value as ‘money’ but was just considered a desirable commodity in and of itself.

Accepted the ‘value’ of gold all over the world. Today, as in ancient times, the intrinsic appeal of gold has that universal appeal to humans. But how did gold become a commodity, a measurable unit of value?

Gold, measured out, became money. Gold’s beauty, scarcity, unique density (no other metal outside the platinum group is as heavy), and the ease by which it could be melted, formed, and measured made it a natural trading medium. Gold gave rise to the concept of money: portable, private, and permanent. Gold (and silver) in standardised coins came to replace barter arrangements and made the trade in the Classic period much easier.

Gold was money in ancient Greece. The Greeks mined for gold throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East by 550 B.C., and both Plato and Aristotle wrote about gold and had theories about its origins. Gold was associated with water (logical, since most of it was found in streams), and it was supposed that gold was a particularly dense combination of water and sunlight.